13 - Tesi di dottorato
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 23.406
AS - Asia 8.030
NA - Nord America 6.645
AF - Africa 639
OC - Oceania 562
SA - Sud America 369
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 39.655
Nazione #
IT - Italia 10.333
IE - Irlanda 6.227
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.203
CN - Cina 2.736
DE - Germania 1.426
GB - Regno Unito 1.380
SG - Singapore 1.147
TR - Turchia 894
HK - Hong Kong 840
NL - Olanda 634
FI - Finlandia 590
FR - Francia 523
IN - India 516
AU - Australia 511
CA - Canada 364
CH - Svizzera 264
ZA - Sudafrica 254
BE - Belgio 253
KR - Corea 228
SE - Svezia 226
JP - Giappone 215
TW - Taiwan 213
ES - Italia 200
VN - Vietnam 197
PK - Pakistan 168
RU - Federazione Russa 159
AT - Austria 147
NO - Norvegia 117
RO - Romania 115
ID - Indonesia 114
KE - Kenya 113
PT - Portogallo 109
MY - Malesia 107
TH - Thailandia 103
IR - Iran 96
BR - Brasile 93
HU - Ungheria 90
PH - Filippine 90
GR - Grecia 79
PL - Polonia 76
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 73
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 71
PE - Perù 71
CO - Colombia 66
CL - Cile 64
DK - Danimarca 60
UA - Ucraina 54
NG - Nigeria 48
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 48
IL - Israele 40
RS - Serbia 40
MX - Messico 39
TZ - Tanzania 36
AR - Argentina 35
LT - Lituania 34
LU - Lussemburgo 32
UG - Uganda 29
LV - Lettonia 28
MT - Malta 28
ET - Etiopia 27
KZ - Kazakistan 26
EG - Egitto 25
GH - Ghana 25
IQ - Iraq 25
MA - Marocco 24
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 23
BG - Bulgaria 22
BD - Bangladesh 18
CY - Cipro 18
EC - Ecuador 18
LK - Sri Lanka 18
SA - Arabia Saudita 17
AZ - Azerbaigian 16
UY - Uruguay 15
EE - Estonia 13
UZ - Uzbekistan 13
AL - Albania 12
KG - Kirghizistan 12
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 12
AM - Armenia 11
MU - Mauritius 11
DZ - Algeria 10
NP - Nepal 9
SI - Slovenia 9
JO - Giordania 8
BY - Bielorussia 7
HR - Croazia 7
JM - Giamaica 7
MM - Myanmar 7
BZ - Belize 6
CM - Camerun 6
GE - Georgia 6
IS - Islanda 6
BH - Bahrain 5
BN - Brunei Darussalam 5
LI - Liechtenstein 5
MD - Moldavia 5
PA - Panama 5
BF - Burkina Faso 4
BW - Botswana 4
Totale 39.568
Città #
Dublin 6.192
Cagliari 3.536
Milan 2.000
Beijing 798
Singapore 755
Rome 650
Hong Kong 593
Los Angeles 578
Chandler 572
Helsinki 479
New York 475
Ashburn 390
Naples 303
Frankfurt am Main 214
Pune 169
Redwood City 169
Boston 146
Toronto 132
Amsterdam 129
Brussels 124
Ho Chi Minh City 118
Washington 117
Brisbane 112
Paris 112
Sydney 112
Munich 111
Melbourne 106
Turin 101
Vienna 95
Genoa 93
Cambridge 90
Florence 89
Nairobi 89
Dallas 88
Tokyo 88
Istanbul 87
Johannesburg 86
Bologna 82
London 78
Ann Arbor 77
Boardman 76
Gold Coast 72
Berlin 71
Bangkok 70
Bucharest 67
Zurich 67
Covina 66
Moscow 66
Taipei 65
Oslo 63
Modena 62
Budapest 60
Hamburg 60
Seoul 60
Manchester 59
Rotterdam 58
Chicago 57
Barcelona 56
Madrid 54
Dong Ket 53
Padova 53
Lappeenranta 52
Palermo 52
Shanghai 47
Cape Town 46
Lawrence 46
Ottawa 46
Central 44
Fremont 44
Falkenstein 43
Kuala Lumpur 43
Bonndorf 42
Glasgow 42
Oxford 42
Wilmington 42
Athens 41
Ragusa 41
Bogotá 40
Lisbon 40
Santiago 40
Verona 40
Guangzhou 39
Montreal 39
Norwich 39
Aversa 38
Lahore 37
Utrecht 37
Edinburgh 36
Bari 35
Belgrade 35
Karachi 35
Monza 35
Taichung 35
Bloemfontein 34
Jacksonville 34
Jakarta 34
Trieste 34
Catania 33
St. Gallen 33
Austin 32
Totale 23.197
Nome #
Big Tech strategies across markets: the role of self-preferencing in Digital Antitrust 867
Regulation of Crypto-assets under EU and US Securities Law 801
Prospects for integrating Environmental and Sustainability Goals with European Competition Law and Policy. A focus on Article 101 TFEU 579
The challenges of the General Data Protection Regulation to protect data subjects against the adverse effects of artificial intelligence  562
Narcissism and Individual-level Workplace Outcomes 447
Governing Artificial Intelligence: The Role of International Trade Law 418
Artificial intelligence as a tool for research and development in European patent law 417
I confini della norma penale: fondamento e limiti territoriali della potestà punitiva 416
Social Stratification, Life Course, and Political Inequality 366
La distribuzione del plusvalore concordatario fra autonomia ed eteronomia 365
I nuovi strumenti di contrasto alla corruzione internazionale: le implicazioni per gli Stati e per le imprese multinazionali 357
L’intelligenza artificiale nei sistemi di controllo interno delle società per azioni 304
Essays in Migration Economics and Political Economy 299
Industrial Property Rights in Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities 295
Essays on Disclosure Regulations 281
Essays on Dynamics of Collaboration and Recognition in Hollywood Movie Industry 233
Essays on Finance and Corporate Innovation 228
La parità di trattamento tra soci nelle società per azioni non quotate 222
Essays on Corporate Finance and Credit Market 221
Essays on Entrepreneurial Finance 218
Bayesian Inference for Complex Data Structures: Theoretical and Computational Advances 216
Social Cognition and Advertising: Research on Minorities and Attractiveness 203
Advances in Bayesian Inference for Binary and Categorical Data 203
Climate Change and Environmental Policy: Preferences and Perceptions 201
Are Multiple Sanctioning Systems contrary to the Ne Bis in Idem? Critical Analysis of the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union Regarding the Lawfulness of Multiple Sanctioning Systems under the Ne Bis in Idem and a Proposal of Reconstruction 192
Risoluzione delle situazioni di stallo decisionale nelle società di capitali. Composizione degli interessi e profili sistematici. 191
The Learning State: Essays on Public Administration in Representation and Accountability 188
Three essays in demography: method, gendered generational change, assortative mating, and fertility. 182
Profili strutturali e funzionali della solidarietà fideiussoria. Dalla tipicità alle tipologie dell’obbligazione solidale. 182
The Global Reach of EU Law Through the Regulation of Third-country CRAs and CCPs in the EU 173
Essays in the Economics of Education: The Role of Peers and Socio-Emotional Skills 172
Essays in Network Economics 168
Three Essays in Banking and Labor Markets 167
Bayesian dimensionality reduction 159
A binomial tree to price European options 154
Gli effetti delle operazioni di fusione sui rapporti contrattuali 149
Essays in audit quality and earnings quality in business groups 145
Divergent Effects of Technological Solutions in Services 145
Advances in Bayesian Inference for Binary and Categorical Data 144
Essays on Political Economy of Development 142
Essays on Transparency and Trust in Government 131
On Complex Dependence Structures in Bayesian Nonparametrics: a Distance–based Approach 130
Essays on Financial Inclusion and Banking in Colombia 129
Il voto sottoposto a condizione nella s.p.a.: limiti, funzioni, disciplina. 126
Essays in Leadership Communication 124
Performance measurement: evaluation, incentives, and compensation 121
Essays in Health and Labour Economics 120
Interpretability of machine learning with hydrological applications 119
Essays on Unemployment Risk, Business Cycles, and Monetary Policy 118
Risk, power, and knowledge: exploring adolescent girls’ sexual and reproductive health in Kenya 114
Essays in International Macroeconomics 113
Essays on Information Frictions in Macroeconomics 113
Three Essays in Labour Macroeconomics 112
Il delisting di azioni dal mercato regolamentato tra autonomia privata e tutela degli investitori 111
Ai confini del diritto penale: i profili punitivi della responsabilità amministrativa per danno all'erario 110
Essays on Information Manipulation 105
Essays on Human Capital Diversity, Mobility, and Integration 104
How much is work worth to firms? Essays on value creation and value capture from human capital 103
Essays on Strategic Information Disclosure, Innovation, and Human Capital 102
Methodological and Computational Advances for High–Dimensional Bayesian Regression with Binary and Categorical Responses 99
Three Essays on the Politics of Reorganization and Public Management 96
The Appropriation of Value from Knowledge: Three Essays on Technological Discontinuities, Market Entry, and Patent Strategy 96
Reproductive Processes Through the Lens of Gender 95
Essays on Entrepreneurial Financing 94
Essays in Population Dynamics and Life Course 92
The Influence of Stakeholder Orientation on Corporate Development Activities 90
Advances in Bayesian modelling of array structured data 90
Diritto di opzione e determinazione del prezzo di emissione negli aumenti di capitale delle società quotate 90
On Complex Dependence Structures in Bayesian Nonparametrics: a Distance–based Approach 88
Social Stratification, Life Course, and Political Inequality 88
The digital borders within the EU: geo-blocking, IP and competition law 87
Essays on CFO and CEO Communication – Evidence from Bank Conference Calls 86
Reconfiguring a firm’s knowledge: three essays on how different modes to reconfigure knowledge impact the value of innovation 86
Il concordato di gruppo tra separazione delle masse, responsabilità patrimoniale e miglior soddisfacimento dei creditori 84
Positioning choice problems and their applications to the theory of moral hazard 81
L'affermazione delle capacità tecnico manageriali nell'Agip di Enrico Mattei come sviluppo di un processo di lungo periodo (1930-1965) 79
Essays in political economy: Economic shocks and citizens' reactions and attitudes 79
The Process of Trusting a Healthcare System: Theory and Evidence from Italy and the United States 79
Less Explored Aspects of Disfluency: Consumer Judgment and Decision Making 79
Bayesian Inference for Complex Data Structures: Theoretical and Computational Advances 79
Reconfiguring a firm’s knowledge: three essays on how different modes to reconfigure knowledge impact the value of innovation 79
L'impresa di stato tra vincoli e scelte imprenditoriali: l'Alfa Romeo di Ugo Gobbato (1933-1945) 78
Un percorso accidentato: la Rinascente e la nascita della grande distribuzione in Italia, 1917-1933 77
Trust and Reputation of the European Commission 76
ISDS IS FALLING APART: WILL DIVERSITY SAVE IT? An economic lesson on the Future of Investor-State Dispute Settlement 76
Essays on the Value of Audit Quality and Auditor Transparency for Clients 75
Essays on market structure, competition, and political connection in public procurement 74
Thesis on Macroeconomics 74
Consumer Aversions Revisited: From Mechanisms to Solutions 74
Regulation of Trade in 3D Printed Goods and WTO Modernization: An Opportunity for New Preferential Rules of Origin 73
EU Copyright Law and Machine Learning: A Net of Authorship Claims 73
Modelling with discrete random probability measures 73
Three Essays on Material Considerations in Political Behavior 72
Hierarchical structures in Bayesian Statistics 72
Three Essays in Public Economics 71
Eccesso di cautela nel credito bancario tra indivisibilità delle garanzie reali e principio di proporzionalità 71
Totale 17.329

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2020/20211.007 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 215 194 203 130 265
2021/20222.657 245 305 266 218 253 191 193 238 198 129 271 150
2022/202310.015 135 149 169 325 454 440 181 714 6.510 241 355 342
2023/202419.305 440 870 852 673 1.717 1.526 1.673 5.375 943 1.542 1.598 2.096
2024/20257.592 1.220 1.181 1.983 1.294 1.641 273 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 40.576