Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.695
NA - Nord America 1.878
AS - Asia 798
SA - Sud America 48
AF - Africa 19
OC - Oceania 9
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
Totale 5.455
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.746
IT - Italia 968
IE - Irlanda 449
GB - Regno Unito 294
CN - Cina 280
UA - Ucraina 265
SE - Svezia 181
TR - Turchia 164
DE - Germania 150
CA - Canada 130
SG - Singapore 104
FI - Finlandia 93
JP - Giappone 75
FR - Francia 67
VN - Vietnam 57
BG - Bulgaria 42
BR - Brasile 38
HK - Hong Kong 32
BE - Belgio 30
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 27
CH - Svizzera 26
NL - Olanda 26
DK - Danimarca 20
KR - Corea 20
ES - Italia 11
IR - Iran 11
EG - Egitto 10
EU - Europa 8
IL - Israele 8
IN - India 8
AU - Australia 7
RU - Federazione Russa 7
AT - Austria 6
ID - Indonesia 6
TW - Taiwan 6
NO - Norvegia 5
PT - Portogallo 5
RO - Romania 5
RS - Serbia 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
CO - Colombia 4
MY - Malesia 4
PK - Pakistan 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
AR - Argentina 3
GR - Grecia 3
LT - Lituania 3
PH - Filippine 3
KG - Kirghizistan 2
KW - Kuwait 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MX - Messico 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PE - Perù 2
PL - Polonia 2
QA - Qatar 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CL - Cile 1
CY - Cipro 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MA - Marocco 1
MW - Malawi 1
SD - Sudan 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
ZM - Zambia 1
Totale 5.455
Città #
Dublin 444
Chandler 287
Milan 222
Jacksonville 220
Ann Arbor 197
Southend 155
Dearborn 129
Toronto 115
Singapore 58
Beijing 57
Lawrence 55
Wilmington 49
Dong Ket 48
Houston 48
Izmir 44
Woodbridge 43
Boston 41
Helsinki 40
Ashburn 39
Redwood City 35
Rome 34
Boardman 32
Modena 30
Mountain View 30
Seattle 30
Ankara 26
New York 26
Brussels 25
Hong Kong 23
Hefei 19
Seoul 19
Pisa 18
Nanjing 16
Benevento 15
Parma 14
Piscataway 14
Serra 14
Fremont 12
Kunming 11
Redmond 11
Udine 11
Utrecht 10
Ottawa 9
Santa Lucia Di Piave 9
Växjö 9
Auburn Hills 8
Bologna 8
Fairfield 8
Nanchang 8
Naples 8
Guangzhou 7
Jinan 7
San Mateo 7
Bracciano 6
Cagliari 6
Catania 6
Florence 6
Guenange 6
Munich 6
Vicopisano 6
Düsseldorf 5
Florianópolis 5
Johannesburg 5
Kowloon 5
Lappeenranta 5
Margate 5
Napoli 5
Norwalk 5
Palombara Sabina 5
Samarate 5
Turin 5
Venezia 5
Berlin 4
Brindisi 4
Chengdu 4
Colle 4
Copertino 4
Dallas 4
Dongguan 4
Duncan 4
Gavirate 4
London 4
Los Angeles 4
Lucerne 4
Morbegno 4
Mönchengladbach 4
Sydney 4
Tel Aviv 4
Zhengzhou 4
Bari 3
Belgrade 3
Bromma 3
Central 3
Centro 3
Chongqing 3
Ferrara 3
Genova 3
Glasgow 3
Göteborg 3
Imperia 3
Totale 3.057
Nome #
Reviewing interorganizational management accounting and control literature: a new look 297
Controllare la supply chain nel settore moda: quale ruolo per il management accounting 275
L'evoluzione della Funzione Amministrativa. Attività, professionalità e assetti nell'era dell'integrazione informativa 258
The field research method as applied to behavioural accounting research: case studies 247
Controlling collaboration between firms : [how to built and maintain successful relationships with external partners] 190
Il costing oltre i confini d’impresa. Metodologie e strumenti per la misurazione e la gestione dei costi nella supply chain 181
CFO role and CFO compensation: an empirical analysis of their implications 164
Combining differentiated knowledge for innovation across organizations: the role of accounting and management controls 162
Dis-integration through integration: the emergence of accounting information networks 143
Beyond the "Ideal": Exploring Controls in Interfirm Settings from a Combinatorial Perspective 136
Is it shameful to be an accountant? GenMe perception(s) of accountants’ ethics 136
Informational content and assurance of textual disclosures: evidence on integrated reporting 132
Contabilità Direzionale e Controllo di Gestione. Impatto delle Nuove Tecnologie 131
What is an accountant? An investigation of images 112
Enterprise Resource Planning Systems and Accountants: Towards Hybridisation? 112
Living in "Transparency": exploring the interface of management accounting and the operational at Rautaruukki Plc. 111
The Uses and Roles of Interfirm Accounting in Strategic Alliances: Does Transparency Make a Difference? 110
Information Technology and the Science of Complexity: A New Perspective on Management Control 107
Gli intangibles come leva strategica 106
Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: Implications for Financial Specialists 103
Intranet e la riprogettazione degli assetti organizzativi: il caso Ciba-Geigy Italia 103
Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPS): Implications for Management Accountants 102
Saying more with less? Disclosure conciseness, completeness and balance in Integrated Reports 101
Esercizi e problemi di programmazione e controllo 101
Opening the black box of management accounting information exchanges in buyer-supplier relationships 99
A review and discussion of management control in hybrids: whence this inconclusiveness about inter-organizational accounting? 99
To disclose or not to disclose? An investigation of the antecedents and effects of open book accounting 98
Is it a shame to be an accountant? The public perceptions of accountants’ ethics 97
Living in "Transparency": exploring the interface of management accounting and the operational at Rautaruukki PLC. 97
A review and discussion of management control in hybrids: whence this inconclusiveness about inter-organizational accounting?. 95
A review and discussion of management control in inter-firm relationships: Achievements and future directions 94
Inter-organizational control 92
The Impact of uncertainty on Open Book Accounting inManufacturing Networks: A Social Network AnalysisApproach 90
Interdependence and accounting information exchanges in inter-firm relationships 89
The impact of interdependencies on management accounting information in manufacturing networks: a Social Network Analysis approach 88
Management and accounting innovations: reflecting on what they are and why they are adopted 86
Misurare e gestire le performance : strumenti e modelli per monitorare i risultati 85
L’impatto dell’integrazione informativa sulle professionalità amministrative 81
Educating the next generation of accountants: how to promote ethical consciousness through critical thinking 78
Inter-organizational accounting in hybrids: a social network perspective 77
Problematising the relationship between management accounting and information technology: theoretical contribution and empirical evidence 77
Management Accounting in Networks: Techniques and Applications 76
Internet technologies and interactivity of management controlsystems: some empirical evidence 76
The impact of interdependencies on management accounting information in manufacturing networks: a social network analysis approach 76
The impact of interdependencies on management accounting infomation in manufacturing-networs: a social network analysis approach 68
The Impact of Interdependencies on Management Accounting Information in Manufacturing Networks: A Social Network Analysis Approach 67
Has financial fair play changed European football? 37
Totale 5.542
Categoria #
all - tutte 20.922
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 20.922

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020755 0 0 0 0 0 112 178 60 121 167 36 81
2020/2021859 47 70 39 70 72 49 95 36 114 55 93 119
2021/2022701 55 128 21 32 60 16 16 74 109 81 49 60
2022/20231.222 68 52 31 111 73 93 20 71 569 41 44 49
2023/2024608 38 32 53 11 51 70 60 52 42 20 91 88
2024/2025206 30 12 60 30 54 20 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.542