03 - Review in journal / Recensione in rivista
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.652
NA - Nord America 4.791
AS - Asia 1.651
SA - Sud America 17
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 12
OC - Oceania 9
AF - Africa 8
Totale 12.140
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.452
IT - Italia 1.893
IE - Irlanda 1.265
CN - Cina 654
UA - Ucraina 565
DE - Germania 514
GB - Regno Unito 393
CA - Canada 329
SG - Singapore 288
TR - Turchia 267
SE - Svezia 218
FR - Francia 216
HK - Hong Kong 204
FI - Finlandia 162
VN - Vietnam 110
BE - Belgio 91
BG - Bulgaria 66
RU - Federazione Russa 46
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 44
NL - Olanda 35
KR - Corea 34
IN - India 33
RO - Romania 32
CH - Svizzera 30
ES - Italia 16
PT - Portogallo 13
EU - Europa 11
AT - Austria 10
AU - Australia 8
DK - Danimarca 7
IR - Iran 7
NO - Norvegia 6
PL - Polonia 6
BR - Brasile 5
CL - Cile 5
IL - Israele 5
JP - Giappone 5
LV - Lettonia 5
MX - Messico 5
MY - Malesia 5
GE - Georgia 4
GR - Grecia 4
ID - Indonesia 4
PA - Panama 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
HU - Ungheria 3
KG - Kirghizistan 3
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 3
PE - Perù 3
PH - Filippine 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
EC - Ecuador 2
EG - Egitto 2
IQ - Iraq 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LT - Lituania 2
MD - Moldavia 2
SI - Slovenia 2
SM - San Marino 2
TW - Taiwan 2
TZ - Tanzania 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AM - Armenia 1
AR - Argentina 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
CO - Colombia 1
EE - Estonia 1
GH - Ghana 1
GT - Guatemala 1
HR - Croazia 1
KE - Kenya 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MN - Mongolia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TJ - Tagikistan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 12.140
Città #
Dublin 1.257
Chandler 780
Ann Arbor 636
Jacksonville 424
Milan 418
Dearborn 327
Toronto 222
Hong Kong 197
New York 187
Beijing 179
Southend 176
Ashburn 169
Singapore 157
Wilmington 140
Lawrence 118
Boston 117
Helsinki 110
Rome 109
Ottawa 100
Izmir 89
Brussels 88
Modena 88
Frankfurt am Main 86
Dong Ket 82
Boardman 80
Houston 79
Fremont 57
Woodbridge 54
Naples 44
Fairfield 38
Kunming 38
Los Angeles 38
Redwood City 36
Nanjing 35
Seattle 34
Seoul 33
West Jordan 32
Florence 31
Mountain View 31
Bucharest 30
Hefei 30
Turin 26
Catania 25
Bologna 21
Genoa 21
Bonndorf 19
Nanchang 18
San Mateo 18
Jinan 17
Palermo 17
Gunzenhausen 16
Monza 15
Nuremberg 15
Bari 14
Cambridge 14
Brno 13
Guangzhou 13
London 12
Moscow 12
Istanbul 11
Bareggio 10
Monsummano Terme 10
Munich 10
Norwalk 10
Providence 10
Auburn Hills 9
Bollate 9
Como 9
Nürnberg 9
Strasbourg 9
Verona 9
Çankaya 9
Fuzhou 8
Parma 8
Savona 8
Shenyang 8
Torino 8
Amsterdam 7
Baotou 7
Brooklyn 7
Reston 7
Tarouca 7
Zhengzhou 7
Ancona 6
Ariccia 6
Brendola 6
Busto Arsizio 6
Canegrate 6
Castelnovo di Sotto 6
Gelsenkirchen 6
Ladispoli 6
Leawood 6
Newark 6
Oslo 6
Pozzuolo Martesana 6
Zurich 6
Andover 5
Ardabil 5
Braunschweig 5
Brescia 5
Totale 7.586
Nome #
Antonio Padoa-Schioppa, Storia del diritto in Europa. Dal medioevo all’et a contem- poranea, 2d. ed. (Bologna, Italy: Il Mulino, 2016). Pp. 840. e45.00 (hardcover). ISBN: 978-8-815-26523-4. Antonio Padoa-Schioppa, A History of Law in Europe: From the Early Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017). Pp. 820. £120.00 (hardcover). ISBN: 978-1-107-18069-7. 974
Let the environment guide our developmet, by J. Rockström, TEDGlobal. Available online at: www.ted.com/talks/johan_rockstrom_let_the_environment_guide_our_development? 264
F. Reinoso Barbero, Modus allegandi textus qui in Pandectis continentur. Elenchus omnium capitum et paragraphorum, Madrid, Dykinson, 2013, pp. 1-633, ISBN 9788490313985 206
F. Mancuso, Per la storia del leasing in Italia, Monduzzi Editore, Bologna 2008 [Archivio per la storia del diritto medievale e moderno Studi e Testi raccolti da Filippo Liotta, 12]], pp. X-184 180
Dibattito sulla codificazione e critica neo-illuminista: alcune considerazioni di metodo 176
FEDERIGO BAMBI, Una nuova lingua per il diritto. Il lessico volgare di Andrea Lancia nelle Provvisioni fiorentine del 1355-57, I, Giuffrè Editore, Milano 2009 (Per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno, 87), pp. IV-816 173
Paride Rugafiori and Ferdinando Fasce, Dal petrolio all'energia: ERG 1938-2008. Storia e cultura d'impresa [From Oil to Energy: ERG 1938-2008, Enterprise History Corporate Culture] 153
A. Meniconi, "La maschia avvocatura". Istituzioni e professione forense in epoca fascista (1922-1943) 150
Karl Jaspers: A Biography ? Navigations in Truth, by Suzanne Kirkbright 147
Institutional Theory and Organizational Change 142
Besprechung Rodolfo Sacco/Piercarlo Rossi: Einführung in die Rechtsvergleichung, 3. Auflage, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2017, 270 S. 134
Inverse statistical physics of protein sequences: a key issues review 126
Book review: sticky knowledge: barriers to knowing in the firm 125
Recensione a Emanuele Tuccari, Sopravvenienze e rimedi nei contratti di durata, Padova, 2018 125
“Las grandes corporaciones del Siglo XX”, by R. Reig 121
Review of: Byzantine Art and Renaissance Europe, by Angeliki Lymberopoulou and Rembrandt Duits. 119
The Political Economy of Public Sector Governance. By Bertelli Anthony M.. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2012. 208p. $28.99. 118
R. Henderson, Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire, Public Affairs, New York, 2020, 1-322 118
Catherine Fillon (dir. scientifique), SIPROJURIS : Système d'information des professeurs de droit (18041950) consultation en ligne : http://siprojuris.symogih.org 117
Daniel M. G. Raff and Philip Scranton (eds.): The Emergence of Routines: Entrepreneurship, Organization, and Business History 116
The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law edited by Mathias Reimann and Reinhard Zimmermann, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019 (2nd edn), pp. 1424 and The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law edited by Michel Rosenfeld and András Sajó, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 1396 110
Book Review: William A. Schabas. The Trial of the Kaiser. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. Pp. 432. £24.99. ISBN: 9780198833857 107
“Capital gains: business and politics in twentieth-century America”, R.R. John and K. Phillips-Fein (eds.) 104
“Creating Nordic Capitalism. The Business History of a Competive Periphery”, by S. Fellman, M. Iversen, H. Sjögren and L. Thue (eds.) 104
Bankers, Bureaucrats, and Central Bank Politics: The Myth of Neutrality 103
Recensione a Michele Trimarchi, La validità del provvedimento amministrativo. Profili di teoria generale, Pisa, 2013 100
How Was Life? Global Well-Being Since 1820 100
Francisco de Elizalde (Ed.), Uniform Rules for European Contract Law?A Critical Assessment. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2018. 296 pages. ISBN: 9781509916306. GBP 81 100
Hacia el centenario. La Ciudad universitaria de Madrid a sus 90 años, Carolina Rodríguez-López, Jara Muños Hernández (eds.), Madrid, Ediciones Complutense, 2018, 370 pp. 100
DANIEL R. CURTIS, Coping with Crisis. The Resilience and Vulnerability of Pre-Industrial Settlements, Farnham, Ashgate, 2014, XX, 381 pp. (Rural Worlds: Economic, Social and Cultural Histories of Agricultures and Rural Societies) 99
Protecting the Individual from International Authority: Human Rights in International Organizations, written by Monika Heupel and Michael Zürn 99
Book Review Nobuo Hayashi/Cecilia M. Bailliet (eds.): The Legitimacy of International Criminal Tribunals 99
Morten Huse: Boards, governance and value creation: the human side of corporate governance 97
Law No. 98 of 23 June 2010 (GU No. 147 of 26 June 2010) 97
Why Helping Others Is a Path to Success 97
La Costituzione in trenta lezioni, by Gianfranco Pasquino, Novara, Utet, 2015, 156 pp., € 14 (paperback), ISNB 978-88-51-13492-1 96
The Law of International Organisations, written by Nigel White 96
Endogenous public policy and contests 94
Law No. 78 of 1 June 2011 (GU No. 127, 3 June 2011) 94
Rocco Sciarrone (a cura di), Mafie del Nord. Strategie criminali e contesti locali, Roma, Donzelli 2014, 407 pp. 94
A. Trombetta, Savigny e il sistema. Alla ricerca dell'ordine giuridico, Cacucci Editore, Bari 2008 [Pubblicazioni della facoltà giuridica di Bari] 93
Una lecture su "l'Europa e i suoi cittadini". 93
Recensione a "Das Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch und seine Richter. Zur Reaktion der Rechtsprechung auf die Kodifikation der deutschen Praxis (1896-1914", hrsg. von Falk u. Mohnhaupt, Klostermann, Frankfurt a.M., 2000 93
"Personal Capitalism and Corporate Governance. British Manufacturing in the first half of the 20th century”, by J. Myrddin, R. Lloyd-Jones, J. Maltby and M.D. Matthews 93
A History of AuditingThe changing audit process in Britain from the nineteenth century to the present day 91
The Persistence of Innovation in Government by Sandford Borins 91
You Don’t Look Like a Librarian 90
Fashion under fascism: beyond the black skirt 90
“Merloni. Da Fabriano al mondo”, by E. Sori 90
Recensione, C.R. Sunstein, A. Vermeule, Law and Leviathan. Redeeming the Administrative State, Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 2020 90
Natural resources and economic growth. Learning from history 89
Pomante (Luigiaurelio) (éd.). L’Università di Macerata nell’Italia unita (1861-1966). Un secolo di storia dell’ateneo maceratese attraverso le relazioni inaugurali dei rettori e altre fonti archivistiche e a stampa. Macerata : Eum, 2012, 807 p. 88
Still  not  resolved?  Constitutional  Isues  of  European  Arrest  Warrant 88
Daniel Kraus, Thierry Obrist, Olivier Hari (Eds.), Blockchains, Smart Contracts, Decentralised Autonomous Organisations and the Law 87
“Las alas de España – Iberia, lineas aéreas (1940-2005)”, by J. Vidal 86
Review del libro "Inequalities: Theory, Experiments and Applications (eds. Moyes P., Seidl C., Shorrocks A.) 85
Book Reviews: GUIDO ALFANI and ALESSIA MELEGARO Pandemie d’Italia. Dalla peste nera all’influenza suina: l’impatto sulla società Egea, Milano, 2010, 250 pp. 85
Pomante (Luigiaurelio). Per una storia delle università minori nell’Italia contemporanea. Il caso dello Studium Generale Maceratense tra Otto e Novecento. Macerata : Eum, 2013, 453 p. 84
“Nord – Dal triangolo industriale alla megalopoli padana, 1950-2000”, by G. Berta 84
Recensione a G. della Cananea, Al di là dei confini statuali 83
Review of Hirst, Jurisdiction and the Ambit of the Criminal Law 83
Blood and Silk: Power and Conflict in Modern Southeast Asia 83
Material Nation: a consumer's history of modern Italy 82
Review to ". Barsotti, P. Carozza, M. Cartabia, A. Simoncini, Italian Constitutional Justice in Global Context, OUP, 2016 82
The Twists and Turns of the History of the United Nations?Development Programme 82
La politica legislativa di Severo Alessandro 81
Una chiave interpretativa unitaria della storia economics d'Italia 80
Cultural Heritage in the European Union. A Critical Inquiry into Law and Policy Andrzej Jakubowski, Kristin Hausler, and Francesca Fiorentini (eds.) 80
It's our day: America's love affair with the white wedding, 1945-2005 79
Reaching Key Financial Reporting Decisions: How Directors and Auditors Interact 79
Recensione a Giulio Napolitano (cur.), Diritto amministrativo comparato, Milano, Giuffré, 2007, VIII-358 e a Alberto Massera (cur.), Le tutele procedimentali. Profili di diritto comparato, Napoli, Jovene, 2007, VI-618 79
Recensione a PETER KINDLER, Einführung in das italienische Recht, 2. ed., München, 2007 79
Gerring, J. & Veenendaal, W. (2020). Population and politics: The impact of scale.Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 508pp. pbk. ISBN: 978-1-1087-1396-2. £26.99. 79
Finance and the Good Society 77
Recensione a E. Hondius-A. Janssen (eds.), Disgorgement of Profits. Gain-Based Remedies throughout the World, Ius Comparatum – Global Studies in Comparative Law, Springer, Cham-Heidelberg-New York-Dordrecht-London, 2015 77
Recensione a “G. Marongiu, La politica fiscale nell’età giolittiana, Leo S. Olschki ed., Firenze, 2015 (pp. 528)”, 76
Review of Ascensio, Decaux & Pellet (eds), Droit International Pénal 76
Invited review of article: Jiang, Runchao; Lu, Wenbin; Song, Rui; Davidian, Marie (2017). On estimation of optimal treatment regimes for maximizing t-year survival probability. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B. Stat. Methodol. 79 (2017), no. 4, 1165–1185. 75
Fernando Lusa Bordin, The Analogy between States and International Organizations (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, Cambridge University Press, 2018) 75
Review of "Institutions and Economic Performance" by E. Helpman 74
L. Gullifer & S. Vogenauer (eds), English and European Perspectives on Contract and Commercial Law. Essays in Honour of Hugh Beale 74
Moda italiana 73
Financial management for local government – Book Review 73
Review of Kila, Heritage under Siege: Military Implementation of Cultural Property Protection Following the 1954 Hague Convention and Petrovic, The Old Bridge of Mostar and Increasing Respect for Cultural Property in Armed Conflict 73
Review of Van Alebeek, The Immunity of States and Their Officials in International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law 73
Shopping in the Renaissance: consumer cultures in Italy, 1400-1600 72
La paura e la speranza. Europa: la crisi globale che si avvicina e la via per superarla. 70
Virtual Worlds, Virtual Libraries 70
Recensione a Guido Guidi, Justicia Indigena. Tra liberali e comunitaristi 69
Recensione a Hondius, Janssen: Disgorgement of Profits. Springer 2015 69
Recensione a Anatol Dutta, Warum Erbrecht? Das Vermögensrecht des Generationenwechsels in funktionaler Betrachtung, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2014, pp. XX-682 68
“Ricchezza, valore, proprietà in età preindustriale. 1400-1850”, by G. Alfani and M. Barbot (eds.) 68
Godfrey Baldacchino & Andres Wivel (Eds.) (2020). Handbook on the politics of small states. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar. xiv+410pp+index. ISBN: 978-1-7881-1292-5. £139.50; e-book from £48.00. 68
Reason and fairness. Constituting justice in Europe, from medieval canon law to ECHR by Ulrike Müßig, Leiden and New York, Brill, 2019, 660 pp., 176€ (hbk), ISBN 978-9-004-39372-1 67
Gerhard Ullrich. The Law of the International Civil Service. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2018. Pp. 538. € 89,90. ISBN: 978-3-428-14914-8. 66
Economics and history: Surveys in cliometrics 66
Review of Cryer, Friman, Robinson and Wilmshurst, An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure 65
Review of Puppo 2012 64
Recensione a Corey Brettschneider, The Oath and the Office. A Guide to the Constitution for Future Presidents 62
Tom Ruys and Nicolas Angelet (eds), Luca Ferro (assistant ed.). The Cambridge Handbook of Immunities and International Law. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 2019. Pp. 790. £150.00. ISBN: 9781108417884 62
Totale 10.497

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.034 0 0 0 0 0 0 422 170 153 141 38 110
2020/20211.566 151 138 41 145 167 109 159 64 170 101 151 170
2021/20221.442 96 246 41 65 126 65 80 151 186 51 134 201
2022/20233.568 236 170 69 312 232 248 75 218 1.601 97 162 148
2023/20242.152 108 91 154 84 180 320 164 246 100 195 171 339
2024/2025785 90 35 171 47 99 60 283 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.299