3G Wireless Market Attractiveness: Dynamic Challenges for Competitive Advantages
2005 Pagani, Margherita
A Market Dynamics Model for Third Generation Mobile Multimedia Services
2004 Pagani, Margherita
A market dynamics model measuring user adoption of third generation wireless multimedia services
2005 Pagani, Margherita
A market model measuring user adoption of third generation wireless multimedia services
2007 Pagani, Margherita
A Value-Choice model to forecast market consequences of 3G mobile service design decisions
2008 Pagani, Margherita
A vicarious innovativeness scale for 3G mobile services: integrating the Domain Specific Innovativeness Scale with psychological and rational indicators
2007 Pagani, Margherita
Accessibility, Usability and Functionality in T-Government services
2009 Pagani, Margherita; Pasinetti, Chiara
Adozione dei sistemi Open Source da parte delle imprese – Analisi quantitativa del settore petrolchimico e indotto
2006 Pagani, Margherita
Alla sorgente del codice: Open Source nelle piccole e medie aziende tra sfide e opportunità
2007 Grasso, Luigi; Monga, Mattia; Pagani, Margherita; Ripamonti, Laura
An Attitude-based theoretical model to explore the consumer adoption of 3G Mobile TV Services
2006 Pagani, Margherita
Banking e Tv digitale: stato dell'arte e possibili evoluzioni
2001 Omarini, ANNA EUGENIA; Pagani, Margherita
Behavioral Segmentation in the development of B2B High Speed Data services” Poster session
2005 Pagani, Margherita
Brand in the Hand: A Cross‐Market Investigation of Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Marketing
2012 A. J., Rohm; T., Gao; F., Sultan; Pagani, Margherita
Branding Strategies for Digital Tv Channels
2011 Pagani, Margherita
Business drivers in the corporate market for mobile data technology
2004 Pagani, Margherita
Business drivers in the corporate market for mobile data technology
2005 Pagani, Margherita
Business drivers in the corporate market for mobile data technology
2004 Pagani, Margherita
Business models with the development of digital iTV services: exploring the potential of the next big transaction market
2007 Pagani, Margherita
Case study TIVO. Creating partnership to develop expertise
2004 Pagani, Margherita; Chizzoli, Cristian
Challenges of usability evaluations in the emerging multimedia environment
2006 Pagani, Margherita