Dipartimento di Scienze sociali e politiche
Age-related optimal income taxation
2008 S., Blomquist; Micheletto, Luca
Capital income taxation and the Atkinson–Stiglitz theorem
2016 Gahvari, Firouz; Micheletto, Luca
Equità ed efficienza nella tassazione dei redditi personali: fondamenti teorici e linee di riforma.
2007 Artoni, Roberto; Micheletto, Luca; Zanardi, Alberto
Fornitura pubblica di beni privati e distorsività delle aliquote marginali di imposta
2009 S., Blomquist; V., Christiansen; Micheletto, Luca
Intergenerational transmission of skills during childhood and optimal public policy
2015 Casarico, Alessandra; Micheletto, Luca; Sommacal, Alessandro
L'incidenza delle imposte e i limiti all'intervento pubblico
2012 Arachi, Giampaolo; Boffano, B.; Fiorio, Carlo; Micheletto, Luca
Nonlinear income taxation and matching grants in a federation with decentralized in-kind transfers
2009 S., Blomquist; Micheletto, Luca
Optimal commodity taxation with varying quality of goods
2016 Bastani, Spencer; Blomquist, Sören; Micheletto, Luca
Optimal nonlinear redistributive taxation and public good provision in an economy with Veblen effects
2011 Micheletto, Luca
Optimal redistributive taxation when government’s and agents’ preferences differ
2006 S., Blomquist; Micheletto, Luca
Optimal utilitarian taxation and horizontal equity
2005 H., Jordahl; Micheletto, Luca
Optimal wage redistribution in the presence of adverse selection in the labor market
2015 Bastani, Spencer; Blumkin, Tomer; Micheletto, Luca
Public provision of private goods and nondistortionary marginal tax rates
2010 S., Blomquist; V., Christiansen; Micheletto, Luca
Public provision of private goods, self-selection, and income tax avoidance
2016 Blomquist, Sören; Christiansen, Vidar; Micheletto, Luca
Redistribution and optimal mixed taxation in the presence of consumption externalities
2008 Micheletto, Luca
Taxes on labour income: a review of the literature
2011 Micheletto, Luca; D., Sonedda
The welfare gains of age related optimal income taxation
2013 Bastani, Spencer; Blomquist, Sören; Micheletto, Luca
Where should the elderly live and who should pay for their care?
2010 T., Aronsson; S., Blomquist; Micheletto, Luca