Analisi del fenomeno della natalità e mortalità delle imprese artigiane
2007 Montobbio, Fabio
Brevetti universitari e economia della ricerca in Italia, Europa e Stati Uniti. Una rassegna dell’evidenza recente
2006 Lissoni, Francesco; Montobbio, Fabio
Dinamica e Determinanti della Specializzazione Tecnologica Internazionale
2006 Mancusi, MARIA LUISA; Montobbio, Fabio
Does the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme foster innovation in European firms?
2018 Montobbio, Fabio; Solito, Ilaria
European integration and knowledge flows across European regions
2016 Cappelli, Riccardo; Montobbio, Fabio
Exploring the factors affecting international technological specialization: the role of knowledge flows and the structure of innovative activity
2003 Malerba, Franco; Montobbio, Fabio
From publishing to patenting: do productive scientists turn into academic inventors?
2005 Breschi, Stefano; Lissoni, Francesco; Montobbio, Fabio
Geographical distance puzzle in patent citations: intensive versus extensive margins
2020 Cappelli, Riccardo; Montobbio, Fabio
Guest Authors or Ghost Inventors? Inventorship and Authorship Attribution in Academic Science
2014 Lissoni, Francesco; Montobbio, Fabio
Innovation, International R&D Spillovers and the Sectoral Heterogeneity of Knowledge Flows
2007 Malerba, Franco; Mancusi, MARIA LUISA; Montobbio, Fabio
Innovation, international R&D spillovers and the sectoral heterogeneity of knowledge flows
2013 Malerba, Franco; Mancusi, MARIA LUISA; Montobbio, Fabio
Innovation, International R&D Spillovers and the Sectoral Heterogeneity of Knowledge Flows
2007 Malerba, Franco; Mancusi, M; Montobbio, Fabio
Intellectual Property Rights and Knowledge Transfer from Public Research to Industry in US and Europe: which Lessons for Innovation Systems in Developing Countries?
2009 Montobbio, Fabio
International knowledge diffusion and home-bias effect. Do USPTO & EPO patent citations tell the same story?
2010 E., Bacchiocchi; Montobbio, Fabio
Inventing Together: Exploring the Nature of International Knowledge Spillovers in Latin America
2010 Montobbio, Fabio; Sterzi, Valerio
Inventor mobility and productivity in Italian regions
2019 Cappelli, Riccardo; Czarnitzki, Dirk; Doherr, Thorsten; Montobbio, Fabio
Inventorship and authorship as attribution rights: An enquiry into the economics of scientific credit
2013 Lissoni, Francesco; Montobbio, Fabio; Zirulia, Lorenzo
IPRs and international knowledge flows: evidence from six large emerging countries
2015 Montobbio, Fabio; Primi, Annalisa; Sterzi, Valerio
IPRs, technological and industrial development and growth: the case of the pharmaceutical industry
2008 Laforgia, Francesco; Montobbio, Fabio; Orsenigo, Luigi
Knowledge Diffusion from University and Public Research. A Comparison between US Japan and Europe using Patent Citations.
2009 Montobbio, Fabio; Bacchiocchi, E.