Dipartimento di Finanza
An offer they couldn't refuse (but probably should have): the ineffectiveness of Italian state subsidies to movie-making
2014 Teti, Emanuele; Collins, Alan; Sedgwick, John
Analisi di bilancio, riclassificazioni, rendiconto finanziario e pianificazione a lungo termine
2012 Teti, Emanuele
Beyond CAPM: an innovative factor model to optimize the risk and return trade-off
2014 Andriotto, Mauro; Teti, Emanuele
Commentary - Much ado about something else. Donald Trump, the US stock market, and the public interest ethics of social media communication
2024 Gori, Leonella; Sacco, Pier Luigi; Teti, Emanuele; Triveri, Francesca
Competitive strategies and value creation: a twofold perspective analysis
2014 Teti, Emanuele; Perrini, Francesco; L., Tirapelle
Conciliating environmental and financial performance in emerging countries
2025 Dallocchio, Maurizio; Pistolesi, Francesco; Teti, Emanuele
Cross country industry betas
2012 Dell'Acqua, Alberto; Teti, Emanuele; Etro, Leonardo; M., Boero
Does the market reward for going green?
2015 Puopolo, GIOVANNI WALTER; Teti, Emanuele; Milani, Veronica
Effectiveness of employee welfare schemes: differences of specific professional profiles
2013 Teti, Emanuele; Andriotto, Mauro
Effectiveness of employee welfare schemes: differences of specific professional profiles
2013 Teti, Emanuele; Andriotto, Mauro
Effects of oil price fall on the betas in the unconventional oil & gas industry
2020 Teti, Emanuele; Dallocchio, Maurizio; de sanctis, Daniele
Ephemeral estimation of the value of art
2014 Teti, Emanuele; Sacco, PIER LUIGI; T., Galli
Ephemeral estimation of the value of art
2014 Teti, Emanuele; Sacco, Pier Luigi; Galli, Tecla Carlotta
Esami di finanza aziendale. Applicazioni pratiche, temi, esercitazioni svolte
2008 Dallocchio, Maurizio; Teti, Emanuele
ESG investing: conciliating financial performance and sustainable societal development
2024 Dallocchio, Maurizio; Di Summa, Giorgia; Pippo, Federico; Riboli, Irene; Teti, Emanuele
Family ownership and M&A payment method
2022 Teti, Emanuele; Dallocchio, Maurizio; Currao, Tancredi
Finanza aziendale
2012 S., Ross; D., Hillier; R., Westerfield; J., Jaffe; B., Jordan; S., Frova; Pettinato, Ombretta; Teti, Emanuele
finanza aziendale
2007 Teti, Emanuele
Forging New Partnerships. The Gains to Be Made From Closer Contact between Economics and the Arts
2014 Dallocchio, Maurizio; Teti, Emanuele
Green bonds: the evolution of a sustainable financial instrument on the cutting edge
2021 Malorgio, Antonio; Teti, Emanuele; Dallocchio, Maurizio