Dipartimento di Scienze sociali e politiche
"Personal Capitalism and Corporate Governance. British Manufacturing in the first half of the 20th century”, by J. Myrddin, R. Lloyd-Jones, J. Maltby and M.D. Matthews
2013 Binda, Veronica
A short history of international business in Italy: what we know and how we know it
2016 Binda, Veronica
American Big Business in Britain and Germany. A Comparative History of two 'special relationships' in the 20th Century
2016 Binda, Veronica
Business history in Europe: ppportunities and challenges for young business historians. Some insights from the European job market
2022 Astore, Marianna; Binda, Veronica
Capital gains: business and politics in twentieth-century America
2018 Binda, Veronica
Changing big business in Italy and Spain, 1973-2003: Strategic responses to a new context
2012 Binda, Veronica
Changing big business in Italy and Spain, 1973-2003; strategic responses to a new context
2011 Binda, Veronica; Colli, Andrea
Changing big business in Italy and Spain, 1973–2003: Strategic responses to a new context
2011 Binda, Veronica; Colli, Andrea
Chi fa da sé fa per tre? Compartecipazioni azionarie tra multinazionali straniere e imprese locali in Spagna (1939-2004)
2011 Binda, Veronica
China’s outward investment in Europe during the “Go Out” policy years: trends, drivers, and strategies in the automotive industry, 2000–2018
In corso di stampa Jia-Zheng, Yuan; Binda, Veronica
Designing highly interactive flipped learning experiences: the case of a Business History course
2018 Moscardo, CHIARA MARIA; Binda, Veronica; Caporarello, Leonardo
Entre el Estado y las multinacionales: la empresa industrial espanola en los anos de la integracion a la CEE
2005 Binda, Veronica
Globalization : a key business idea
2024 Binda, Veronica; Colli, Andrea
Globalization: a key idea for business and society
2024 Binda, Veronica; Colli, Andrea
Grandes empresas salen fuera de casa: la experiencia española e italiana en el largo plazo
2009 Binda, Veronica
I cartelli come istituzione anticrisi. Il caso italiano (1900-1960)
2017 Binda, Veronica; Perugini, Mario
Il settore dell’auto tra multinazionali straniere e imprese locali. Italia e Spagna a confronto (1900-1990)
2018 Binda, Veronica; Perugini, Mario
Imprenditorialità e grande impresa nella seconda metà del Ventesimo secolo. Italia e Spagna a confronto
2009 Binda, Veronica
Introduction: new advances in quantitative business history
2023 Binda, Veronica; Spadavecchia, Anna
L'accidentato percorso della grande impresa spagnola tra Stato e multinazionali, 1975-2000
2005 Binda, Veronica