Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
AS - Asia 73
EU - Europa 24
NA - Nord America 11
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 109
Nazione #
CN - Cina 37
SG - Singapore 29
IT - Italia 15
US - Stati Uniti d'America 11
DE - Germania 6
TR - Turchia 6
AU - Australia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
FI - Finlandia 1
FR - Francia 1
LV - Lettonia 1
Totale 109
Città #
Singapore 26
Beijing 12
Bologna 8
Guangzhou 8
Bonndorf 3
Milan 3
Baku 1
Helsinki 1
Landshut 1
Riga 1
Udine 1
Totale 65
Nome #
Algebraic restriction codes and their applications 16
Group ORAM for privacy and access control in outsourced personal records 15
My genome belongs to me: controlling third party computation on genomic data 11
Concurrency and privacy with payment-channel networks 10
Efficient unlinkable sanitizable signatures from signatures with re-randomizable keys 10
SilentWhispers: enforcing security and privacy in decentralized credit networks not every permissionless payment network requires a blockchain 10
Maliciously secure multi-client ORAM 10
Efficient ring signatures in the standard model 9
Homomorphic secret sharing for low degree polynomials 9
Efficient unlinkable sanitizable signatures from signatures with re-randomizable keys 9
Everlasting UC commitments from fully malicious PUFs 9
Candidate iO from Homomorphic Encryption schemes 9
Privacy and access control for outsourced personal records 8
Subset predicate encryption and its applications 8
Functional credentials 8
Verifiable Timed Signatures Made Practical 4
Candidate Trapdoor Claw-Free Functions from Group Actions with Applications to Quantum Protocols 1
Pre-Constrained Encryption 1
Switch commitments: A safety switch for confidential transactions 1
Trapdoor Hash Functions and Their Applications 1
The Round Complexity of Quantum Zero-Knowledge 1
Lattice-Based Timed Cryptography 1
Leveraging Linear Decryption: Rate-1 Fully-Homomorphic Encryption and Time-Lock Puzzles 1
Lattice-Based Succinct Arguments from Vanishing Polynomials: (Extended Abstract) 1
Multi-key and Multi-input Predicate Encryption from Learning with Errors 1
Two-Round Maliciously Secure Computation with Super-Polynomial Simulation 1
Subvector Commitments with Application to Succinct Arguments 1
Laconic Conditional Disclosure of Secrets and Applications 1
How to Build a Trapdoor Function from an Encryption Scheme 1
Lattice-Based SNARKs: Publicly Verifiable, Preprocessing, and Recursively Composable: (Extended Abstract) 1
On Concurrent Multi-party Quantum Computation 1
A Geometric Approach to Homomorphic Secret Sharing 1
Tight verifiable delay functions 1
Statistical zaps and new oblivious transfer protocols 1
Tidy: Symbolic Verification of Timed Cryptographic Protocols 1
Minting Mechanism for Proof of Stake Blockchains 1
Lockable signatures for blockchains: Scriptless scripts for all signatures 1
Homomorphic Time-Lock Puzzles and Applications 1
Multi-key fully-homomorphic encryption in the plain model 1
Rate-1 Quantum Fully Homomorphic Encryption 1
Steganography-Free Zero-Knowledge 1
Multi-client Oblivious RAM with Poly-logarithmic Communication 1
Efficient Laconic Cryptography from Learning with Errors 1
Public-Key Encryption with Quantum Keys 1
Sleepy Channels: Bi-directional Payment Channels without Watchtowers 1
Efficient Invisible and Unlinkable Sanitizable Signatures 1
A Combinatorial Approach to Quantum Random Functions 1
A Note on the Post-quantum Security of (Ring) Signatures 1
Quantum Rewinding for Many-Round Protocols 1
Post-Quantum Multi-Party Computation 1
Registered (Inner-Product) Functional Encryption 1
Efficient Registration-Based Encryption 1
Efficient CCA Timed Commitments in Class Groups 1
Universal Atomic Swaps: Secure Exchange of Coins Across All Blockchains 1
Weakening Assumptions for Publicly-Verifiable Deletion 1
Arithmetic Garbling from Bilinear Maps 1
Foundations of Coin Mixing Services 1
Unbounded Multi-party Computation from Learning with Errors 1
Succinct arguments for bilinear group arithmetic: Practical structure-preserving cryptography 1
Succinct Classical Verification of Quantum Computation 1
Constant ciphertext-rate non-committing encryption from standard assumptions 1
Rate-1 Trapdoor Functions from the Diffie-Hellman Problem 1
Compact Ring Signatures from Learning with Errors 1
Incremental proofs of sequential work 1
Cryptocurrencies with security policies and two-factor authentication 1
Indistinguishability Obfuscation of Null Quantum Circuits and Applications 1
Transparent Batchable Time-lock Puzzles and Applications to Byzantine Consensus 1
Laconic Function Evaluation for Turing Machines 1
Interaction-Preserving Compilers for Secure Computation 1
Factoring and Pairings Are Not Necessary for IO: Circular-Secure LWE Suffices 1
Distributed Broadcast Encryption from Bilinear Groups 1
Verifiable Timed Linkable Ring Signatures for Scalable Payments for Monero 1
Totale 211
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.176
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 2.176

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202492 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 3 10 2 18 20
2024/2025119 5 18 10 16 10 60 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 211