Dipartimento di Scienze sociali e politiche
A popular backlash against globalization?
In corso di stampa Colantone, Italo; Ottaviano, Gianmarco; Stanig, Piero
Alle radici del nazionalismo
2019 Colantone, Italo; Stanig, Piero
Church-state separation and redistribution
2011 Huber, John D.; Stanig, Piero
Climate change experiences raise environmental concerns and promote Green voting
2022 Hoffmann, Roman; Muttarak, Raya; Peisker, Jonas; Stanig, Piero
Considerations on the method of constructing governance indices
2018 Stanig, Piero
Global competition and Brexit
2018 Colantone, Italo; Stanig, Piero
Governance beyond the Nation-state: Estimating Governance Indexes at the Subnational and Transnational Level
2013 Stanig, Piero
Governance Indicators
2014 Stanig, Piero
Governance Indicators: Some Proposals
2013 Stanig, Piero; Mark, Kayser
Heterogeneous impacts of temperature extremes on climate attitudes and Green voting
In corso di stampa Bassetto, Jacopo; Hoffmann, Roman; Muttarak, Raya; Peisker, Jonas; Stanig, Piero
In search of the causes of the globalization backlash: methodological considerations on post-treatment bias
In corso di stampa Agnolin, Paolo; Colantone, Italo; Stanig, Piero
Individual vulnerability to industrial robot adoption increases support for the radical right
2021 Anelli, Massimo; Colantone, Italo; Stanig, Piero
Introducing a New Generation of Governance Indicators
2013 Helmut K., Anheier; Stanig, Piero; Mark, Kayser
Political polarization in retrospective economic evaluations during recessions and recoveries
2013 Stanig, Piero
Regulation of Speech and Media Coverage of Corruption: An Empirical Analysis of the Mexican Press
2014 Stanig, Piero
The backlash of globalization
2022 Colantone, Italo; Ottaviano, Gianmarco; Stanig, Piero
The Political Economy of Public Sector Governance. By Bertelli Anthony M.. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2012. 208p. $28.99.
2014 Stanig, Piero
The social footprint of globalization: towards the introduction of strategic industries in quantitative trade models
2024 Colantone, Italo; Ottaviano, Gianmarco; Stanig, Piero
The surge of economic nationalism in Western Europe
2019 Colantone, Italo; Stanig, Piero
The trade origins of economic nationalism: import competition and voting behavior in Western Europe
2018 Colantone, Italo; Stanig, Piero